Trends in Solar PhotovoltaicsTwo trends in solar pv have persisted over the past decades: An increase in conversion efficiency at the same time as decrease in costs. This has helped solar pv achieve grid parity in many locations already. |
Cell Efficiency Improvements
Cost TrendsCosts for solar have dropped dramatically and are set to come down even further. What's particularly interesting here is that costs have come down across the value chain - not only equipment, but also costs for installation and auxillary costs. |
Grid ParityThe cost of the energy generated by a PV module does not just depend on the size of the system (rated power), but also on location where it is installed. The same system will in most instances yield different amounts of annual energy for the same capital investment. For instance, in Berlin, the energy yield for a system is about 900KWh/kWp, whereas Dubai gets 1,800kWh/kWp. Hence, there is no individual point where solar electricity could reach "grid parity", i.e. the cost of electricity that is pumped into the grid, mostly by coal- fired power plants. Also, electricity markets know two price points - peak and off-peak, where peak is significantly more expensive than the base-load. It is anticipated that solar electricity will eventually reach both peak and off-peak grid parity in most locations of the earth by 2040 given current trends. |