Solar Power » Industry

Value Chain Activity: Manufacturing Chemicals for Solar Industry

The manufacturing of photovoltaic modules, thermal receivers and reflectors requires a number of chemicals and materials for coatings, laminates, photovolatic materals and solar glass. This part of the value chain is a profitable business, evidenced by new entrants from non-polysilicon producing companies, i.e. companies that with no traditional ties to the solar industry.


Here is a list of a selection of companies, which highlights the diversity of companies involved from start-up to established companies that diversify their portfolio.

Name Country Comments
DuPont USA DuPont, a big chemical conglomerate, produces backsheets for pv modules and other products for the solar market.
Ferrogloba USA Sell metallurgical-grade silicon solar-grade silicon soon with a much lower carbon footprint.
OCI Company South Korea Producer of high-purity 9N polysilicon.
Linde Gas Germany Supplies gasses for pv manufacturing process. "Linde Gas" is a leading provider of gasses for all industries.


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