Hydro Power |
The power that can be captured by a water flow is
with constants r=1,023kg/m3 and g=9.81m/s2. Q denotes the water flow volume per second and h is the drop height, called the head. Twice the head, doubles the power, the same goes for water flow. Natural ranges for these parameters are wide: E.g.
Hydro Electricity MarketHydro power is the most mature of the renewable technologies to generate electricity and still by the most prominent, as 88% of all electricity generated from renewable sources comes from hydro energy. GrowthThe installed base of hydro electricity capacity has increased steadily to over 900GW in 2009. While growth rates might be modest in comparison to wind or solar, its large base means it will be the dominant renewable source for some time to come.Global spreadWith 26% of the total of hydro electricity generated, Asia-Pacific is the region with the largest share, followed by North America(22%), South America (21%) and Europe (19%). The Top-4 countries (China, Canada, Brazil, USA) account for almost half of the market! However, hydro energy is utilised world-wide, as shown in our map. In large parts of South America and Africa, as well as Norway and Iceland, hydro accounts for more than 50% of the consumed electrcitiy.Salient BenefitsApart from attractive economics, there are some other distinct advantages:
Turbine Technologies
Three main dominant turbine designs have developed to reflect the vast ranges of head levels (from as little as a few meters to more than 2,000m in mountain regions) and water flows.
Where the head is only a few meters, axial flow Kaplan turbines are most common. The turbine in entirely immersed, as there is no need for water to be fed from the side.
Francis: high to medium
In the most common device, the Francis turbine, water enters in radial direction, but exits in axial direction.
Pelton: high head - low flow
Where there is a high head, but generally low flow, water is directed, through a nozzle (to increase pressure), on a wheel with double cups, the Pelton turbine. |
Run-of-the-river hydro power plants have a low head without reservoir capacity, often with a by-pass for ships.
Up to 2GW, but many small from 200kW The power station Iffezheim on the Rhine is powered by 4 Kaplan turbines(5.8m diameter) with a maximum throughput of 1,100m3/s. The dam is 20m wide.
Pumped Storage
In plants with pumped storage, water can be moved up to a high reservoir for grid energy storage and released back.
Up to 2GW, but many 100MW - 200MW The hydro power station with pump storage in Vianden, Luxemburg: With a head of 290m 10 Francis- turbines with 9x 100MW and 1x 200MW, generating 13GWh per annum.
Conventional hydro power stations utilise dammed water with a reservoir, though no pumped storage.
Up to 22GW (China) The power station Silz (Austria) uses a head of 1,240m with 2 Pelton turbines of 255MW each, generating 718 GWh per annum.
Cost StructureIn general, the turbine accounts for just 10% of the total capex, with 15 - 20% spent on site development and environmental studes and the remaining 65 - 75% on civil engineering.
Capital CostsCosts for hydro electricity vary widely from €/kW1,000 - 4,000. For instance, in 2009 a Pelton-based power plant ValStrem in Switzerland for 2MW cost €7m, which is at the higher end. Economies of scale prevail, driving the cost per kW down to much more attractive levels.
OperationsHydro plants tend to have a long live - similar to gas power stations. O&M costs are roughly 1 - 2% of capex.
Environmental Issues